I really liked working with Mark. I felt that he listened, educated us, asked questions and, at times, acted as a translator to help my husband and I really hear each other and understand both our own needs and those of our partner and children. I went from feeling like all hope was lost for our relationship to realizing that it was just going to take some work (or a lot of work) to rekindle what was still there. Mark interacted well with both of us, even though we have very different personalities and communication styles.

My husband and I worked with another therapist previously who had a completely different approach that didn’t work for us. We made lists and tried to repeat back to the other what we thought we heard them saying. I felt it was a lot of guessing and judgment of what the other person was feeling, instead of simply asking the person to explain their feelings. That therapist didn’t really pick up on our cues that we were annoyed and insisted on using techniques that we expressed discomfort with. Needless to say, we stopped going.

Also, in my own previous personal therapy experience, I felt like there was a lot of discussion about where emotions came from but not much about how to deal with them or change behavior with regard to them. Mark brainstormed with us about changes we could make to our behaviors, and provided great anecdotes, visuals, and mnemonic devices to explain theories and techniques. “No fixing, no saving, no changing” is still a much-used reminder, and who can forget “The Nail”.

Therapy with Mark brought us back from the brink of being broken. It has made us more aware of what each other’s needs are and the motives behind our behaviors. It’s brought the stress level down at home and has made us more enjoyable to be around for our kids. We’ve tried to prioritize spending time together as a couple (date nights, etc), which clearly helps to keep the endorphins up and the romantic connection stronger. We listen to each other a little bit better than before, but still need to work on that. At least now we recognize how we can shut down (ourselves or each other), and are quicker to apologize for doing it and trying again.
— Andrea T.
Mark is awesome! Affordable, flexible, reliable. He has a modern, open-minded approach. His manner is warm, inviting and funny, but he’s also gently direct and very professional. He helped my spouse and I recognize the strength we already had, and gave us the confidence and guidance we needed to get through a particularly rough patch. He also led me to a very eye-opening discovery about myself and my past experiences, which has given me a brand new, much brighter perspective on my life in general, and the future with my spouse. I highly recommend him!
— Corrine B.

Mark helped us feel like partners; compatible, loyal, and heard. Rarely, in our experience, do you find a couples counselor that’s unbiased, or where both partners feel supported. Mark wasn’t afraid to hold us each accountable. The balance of tough love, kindness, and commitment he’s shown to us as individuals and as a couple has transformed our relationship into one where we feel confident and long-lasting. He’s smart, compassionate, and finds the perfect balance between when you need support versus scaffolding to help guide you through a problem. We’re so grateful to have had him in our lives and feel that he is vital in helping our relationship become the best version of itself. If you’re looking for a therapist who is not only a wonderful professional but an amazing person, Mark is your guy.
— Samantha D. and Matt R.

In the beginning of therapy our son would sit at the end of the couch with his arms crossed not wanting to discuss his issues with anyone. Mark was very relatable for our teenager, being a younger male therapist. He was able to develop a trust and our son felt like he had an objective confidant and soon he would look forward to his therapy sessions. Whenever our son had a “crisis” Mark made himself available to listen, talk through the situation and calm him down. Mark helped not only our son but our entire family with his counseling.
— Tom K.

Mark clearly has a passion for counseling. He always made me feel comfortable, heard, and supported. He is honest and straightforward, which I find helpful, and he often eases my tension with humor. I went to Mark looking for ways to heal my struggling relationship. He helped me articulate my buried fears, and see things in a new way. His insightful guidance gave me tools to use at home. Most importantly, his patient encouragement helped me reconnect with my self-worth, values, and goals. I highly recommend Mark to anyone looking for a caring and motivated therapist.
— Sarah W.

Mark, thank you for allowing me to see a light in what seemed to be an impossible darkness. Thank you for being the bridge for a broken heart. What you do is a gift and I am forever grateful we found you.
— Amy S.

Mark has made a profound difference in my life and relationships. Before seeing Mark, I allowed so many issues to build up in me over time. The wounds of my past and the dilemmas that had plagued me were crippling to the point that I believed they were simply a fact of life, burdens I was meant to carry forever. I was not willing to face these issues. I believed that if I kept my head down and trudged through, they weren’t that bad and that I would perhaps deal with them “at some point.” That some point, however, was going to be never; everyday I existed in fear drenched in anxiety only wishing that things would get better. It led to not only despair for myself but also the degradation of my relationship with my wife. I saw no hope of change. Making that first call to Mark was scary—the unknown of what may lie ahead and wondering if it would make things worse, but I am eternally glad I did.

Mark has helped me identify the issues and fears in my life, face them head on, and not just move on from them but also heal. I don’t just have to slog through anymore, I have a new perspective. I can now face new problems with a new-found perspective of hope and strength. I no longer harbor a fear about what the day may bring. Instead I am able to see situations and approach them in a way I never thought possible.

I have worked with a couple other therapists in the past and found that working with them only further entrenched my viewpoint that my problems would always be a struggle. I always left my appointments not feeling heard and, more often than not, more hopeless than before. To simply say that working with Mark was different would be a shame. Mark shows such compassion and actually cares about those he meets with. The way he listens and gives his all every time you see him is both encouraging and humbling.

Seeing Mark over the course of the last year was the best choice I have ever made for myself. I know that it will be the best thing you can do for yourself as well. No words could ever express how thankful I am for him.
— Adam K.

I have worked with Mark individually and as part of a couple for several years now. He has a wonderful ability to remain neutral, while still being engaged which has been a great help as my husband and I learn to balance our different counseling needs as a couple and as individuals. With sincerity, humor and knowledge Mark has helped my husband and I navigate some of the biggest storms an individual and couple can encounter: personal trauma, financial struggles, and the unique joy and challenge of becoming parents. All of these things can really strain a marriage, but Mark has guided us through those events and helped us become stronger for the experiences.

Contrary to many of my past therapy experiences, Mark has never pushed an agenda. He is supportive and offers guidance without overpowering the process of discovery that can inspire real growth. I am a very “solution” oriented person... until I’m not. Mark can read that very well. Some days I can push really hard and others I need to just get something off my chest, and that is always okay. Having that space to grow but also retreat when necessary has been priceless to me. I have no doubt about the positive impact Mark has had on my life, and by extension the lives of the people I know and love.
— Rachel S.

At the time we began couples counseling with Mark, we were living together and really struggling to get along. He helped us address our relationship despite our highly stressful environments and surprised us with how quickly he was able to help us get to the roots of various issues. He was always knowledgeable, relatable, and supportive. Mark allowed each of us to feel listened to and understood, helping us to bridge the gaps in communication between us. A few months later, we are much more capable of working through our problems, and working with each other instead of against each other.
— Alexa M. & Sean B.